Goddess Lakshmi Wealth and Luck Mantra for Good Luck and Money

Goddess Lakshmi Wealth and Luck Mantra for Good Luck and Money


अर्थ :- सदा अभ्युदय प्रदान करनेवाली आप जिन पर प्रसन्न रहती हैं, वे ही देश में सम्मानित हैं, उन्हीं को धन और यश की प्राप्ति होती है, उन्हीं का धर्म कभी शिथिल नहीं होता तथा वे ही अपने हृष्ट-पुष्ट स्त्री, पुत्र और भृत्यों के साथ धन्य माने जाते हैं।


Red Chirmi Beads – Red Chirimi Beads are Rare our workers in Aravali , Rajasthan and Haryana find these rare herbs by hard work and they are limited never there powers ! There are many Scriptures that told us to garb them as soon as possible few of their qualities .. If you have my Chirimi beads then no one can do black magic on you or on your family they will take it onto them and brust away ! yes fisrtly count your beads and whenever you find any broken bead then remember someone is trying to do black magic on you …another feather in the cap these red chirmi beads are very dear to goddess lakshmi she told one saint that anyone who place these into money lockers i will establish myself into that house ! dont wait i have ony few and it take 2 or 3 year to collect new one and energies at eclips or on special nakshatra order now and be blessed .

Chirmi beads are found growing in the forests of Aravali Hills in India. They symbolise Goddess Lakshmi and it is said that the wearer is blessed with wealth and prosperity. They are believed to be hundreds of years old. It is said that the bead selects its owner and will never stay with an unlucky person. The Chirmi beads are used to ward off evil and removal of black magic effects, bring good luck and ward off physical harm. Chirmi beads are considered very lucky from ancient times. It is kept in lockers, money boxes or purses. Chirmi beads come in White, Red and Black color representing Maa Saraswati, Maa Mahalakshmi and Maa Kali. These are considered very powerful in Hinduism

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Goddess Lakshmi Wealth and Luck Mantra for Good Luck and Money

About The Author
- Mohinividya is ancient rare art of Attraction by this Power you can Attract Anyone who come in your contact Our Guruji Can Help you in reunite with your loved once and if you have any Query just call us at : +91-9992841625