Mother Laxmi – The giver of wealth and prosperity

Mother Laxmi - The giver of wealth and prosperity

Mother Laxmi – The giver of wealth and prosperity

Wealth is the most important thing in a man’s life because unless and until a man is materialistically well off he will never know what spiritualism is and will never be able to embark on the journey of self realization. Diwali, the festival of lights is the most important time to do wealth related Sadhanas because Mother Laxmi says whenever I am prayed to on Diwali I manifest at such a place. The best Sadhana that one should do on Diwali is the Shri Yantra Sadhana. Kamala Tantra is very detailed. Here are revealed small experiments which if done carefully will bring about wealth and prosperity.

  1. For Success in BusinessOn a full moon night wear a silver band in the ring finger of left hand. This is a great practice specially for people involved in marketing and advertising. If it is a Monday on the full moon night then all the more beneficial.
  2. For Stability In BusinessFor businessmen who feel that their business in not progressing at the right pace should light a holy fire every Wednesday and do Homa with the following mantra:OM HREEM KLEEM NAMO BHAGWATI MAAHESHWARI ANNAPOORNA SWAHA
  3. For continuous gaining of assetsMentally chant the beej mantra of Maha Laxmi as much as possible. Make this a habit, whenever you are free. The beeja mantra of Mahalaxmi is:SHREEM
  4. For removing trade barriers and gain of assetsIf you are unsuccessful in most of your business activities and there are a lot of unforeseen obstacles that suddenly crop up then this experiment is for you. Take a cotton thread and tie seven knots on it. With each knot chant the following Ganpati mantra:OM HREEM SHREEM KLEEM GLOUM GAM SHREE MANMAHA GANADHIPATYE NAMAHAfter that place this thread in a silver amulet and keep this amulet in the front pocket of your shirt/coat. This should be done around 10:00 in the morning.
  5. Important – For people who start a new business and who have an already existing businessIf you have an already existing business and starting a new business in addition to the old business then get any iron article from your old business place on a Saturday evening and place this in the premises from where the new business is operating. Keep this article in a place where it is not moved again and again.
  6. For one who has been engulfed by povertyThis is for people who have been engulfed by poverty and nothing has given them benefit. This Mantra is called as DARIDYA NASHAK LAXMI MANTRA – One that destroys poverty:OM AYEIM HREEM SHREEM KLEEM DARIDYA VINASH KE JAGATPRASOOTYE NAMAH

One should do 1, 3, 5, 7 rosaries of this mantra everyday. The rosary should be of Kamalgatta (dried lotus beads). Do this mantra is front of a picture of Mother Laxmi after lighting a lamp of clarified butter and incense stick.

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Mother Laxmi – The giver of wealth and prosperity

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- Mohinividya is ancient rare art of Attraction by this Power you can Attract Anyone who come in your contact Our Guruji Can Help you in reunite with your loved once and if you have any Query just call us at : +91-9992841625