Original Energized Puja Billi Ki Jer Zer Billi ki Naal Nal Naval Cats Chord

Original Energized Puja Billi Ki Jer Zer Billi ki Naal Nal Naval Cats Chord

It is also known as billi ki jer. It is extremely difficult to procure, but equally useful if preserved. It should be kept in vermillion powder or “Sindhoor” in house /mandir or in an office or shop in a cash box. It is one of the mystic secrets of the orients to get help in the crisis, to improve presence of mind and to raise confidence level. It blesses a person with wealth, prosperity, acquisition and accumulation of money, increasing savings and building assets. It is used for Vashikaran, Anusthan Pratishthaan and particularly for acquisition of wealth.

Traditionally, the billi ki naal is considered as one of the sacred things worth preserving amongst village folks, tantrics, traders, high profile people, leaders etc. It may not be popular in the cities earlier, but now, every metro resident is also well aware of its miraculous results. One of the reasons of unawareness could be that it is really very difficult to find one. Rarity of the jer or naal makes it an item worth possessing. In the villages families who own it, keep it wrapped in a red cloth or in sindhoor or in a container or tijori. We think that is the best way to keep billi ki jer, which is even good for Rahu, Mangal and Shukra planetory effects. Similarly in the villages the umbilical cord of a male child, which sheds of after a week or so, is also preserved and is later buried in the foundation of the house built by the family. This umbilical cord is also kept wrapped in a red cloth. Therefore it appears that the Lal Kitab suggested the precautions about how to preserve the billi ki jer, for those who own it.

When a cat gives birth to kittens, she eats her naval chord immediately, which is what makes this item extremely difficult to procure, but equally useful if preserved. Cat’s Chord should be kept in vermillion powder or ‘sindoor’ in office, shop or home in a cash box after energizing and activating it properly and performing pran-pratishtha and shuddhi puja. It is commonly used by Gamblers, Share Investors, Stock Brokers Business Men, etc, so we enerzie and activate it before sending it to the customer or the buyer. Cat’s Chord or Cat’s Naval Chord or Billi Ke Jer or Billi ki Naal, blesses a person with wealth, prosperity, acquisition and accumulation of money, increase in savings and building assets. It is also known as Billi Ke Zer or Billi Ke Jer or billi Ki Nal. It is also used for all Vashikaran Puja Durga Mohini,Vishnu Mohini & many more anushthaan and pratishthaans.

Cat’s Chord Cat umbilical cord or billi ki jer FOR WEALTH & PROSPERITY

Cat’s umbilical cord or billi ki jer is one of the mystic secrets of the orients to get help in the crisis, to improve presence of mind and to raise confidence level. Cat’s Chord blesses a person with wealth, prosperity, acquisition and accumulation of money, increasing savings and building assets. When a cat gives birth to kittens, she eats her naval chord immediately, which is what makes this item extremely difficult to procure, but equally useful if preserved.

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Original Energized Puja Billi Ki Jer Zer Billi ki Naal Nal Naval Cats Chord

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- Mohinividya is ancient rare art of Attraction by this Power you can Attract Anyone who come in your contact Our Guruji Can Help you in reunite with your loved once and if you have any Query just call us at : +91-9992841625